Ciencia y Virtud
Science and Virtue
CEU is the University of first choice — the leading higher education institution fostering excellence in the advancement of knowledge while
engendering personal integrity and social responsibility.
It is committed to:
The CEU Community is committed to the core values on:
V aluing others, caring for them and empowering them
A ccountability, integrity, and trustworthiness
L ifelong learning as individuals and as an organization
U nity, teamwork, and loyalty
E xcellence in all endeavors
S ocial responsibility as citizens of the Filipino nation and of the world
Centro Escolar University is committed to provide quality education that integrates humanized technical and scientific developments through a continuously improved organizational system consisting of individuals imbued with a strong sense of professionalism, integrity, caring, service and collaboration.
As reviewed and approved by the Management Council during the Management Review and Strategic Planning on April 27 - 29, 2015.
Stock Symbol | CEU |
Authorize Capital Stock | 800,000,000 |
Outstanding Capital Stock | 446,897,323 |
Please visit Philippine Stock Exchange website
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October - fourth Friday except holidays
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