The University's open door policy makes it conducive to all stakeholders to raise their concern with management
It is the responsibility of each director and senior manager to promptly notify the Board, through the Company’s Corporate Secretary, of any actual or potential conflict of interest as soon as they become aware of it. It is the responsibility of a director or senior manager who has an actual or potential conflict of interest with the Company to inform the Board, through the Company’s Corporate Secretary, and obtain approval prior to entering into the transaction. A transaction characterized by an actual or potential conflict of interest should be brought before the Board Audit Committee, which will determine if such transaction will benefit the Company. The Board Audit Committee shall then present the matter to the Board for discussion.
The conflicted board member shall not participate in discussions on transactions in which he/she is a conflicted party and shall also abstain from voting on such issues. The directors, excluding the conflicted director, should constitute a quorum in order to proceed with such meeting.
The University adopts by incorporation the existing rules against Insider Trading under the Securities and Regulations Code.
As compliance to the health, industrial safety and welfare provision of the Labor Code, the Company takes steps to protect and maintain the health and welfare of the employees and workers.
The Company has a continuing health and wellness program. The Company also provides free annual x-ray and hospitalization benefits for employees.
Employees and workers, depending on the length of service, are entitled to minimum of eighteen (18) to maximum of twenty-three (23) working days vacation leave with pay for every year of continuous service and minimum of eighteen (18) to maximum of twenty-three (23) working days sick leave, which are both convertible to cash; and are members of Social Security System, PhilHealth and Pag-ibig.
The company has its own faculty and staff in-house training program. The company also provides training for faculty and staff through participation in various seminars and conferences sponsored by professional and other organizations.
Stock Symbol | CEU |
Authorize Capital Stock | 800,000,000 |
Outstanding Capital Stock | 446,897,323 |
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